The Accident Insurance Law (LAA) imposes an insurance obligation on all workers. It guarantees benefits in the event of professional and non-professional accidents (as soon as the occupation reaches 8 hours per week), as well as in the event of professional illnesses.
Depending on your area of activity, accident insurance must be entrusted either to SUVA or to a private insurance company.
Insurance coverage provided by the LAA
Daily allowance in the event of inability to work
- 80% of salary, from the 3rd day after the accident.
Permanent disability
- Pension corresponding to 80% of salary
- Indemnities for the helpless and for breach of integrity
- Survivors’ pension (spouse and children)
Healing costs
- Hospitalization in the common ward
- Outpatient treatment, transportation costs, etc.
Insured salary
- Maximum CHF 148’200.- per person per year