Your guide to navigating the “insurance jungle”
Symphony Group is a Swiss company, active in insurance brokerage for more than 35 years.
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Why choose us?
40,000 customers, 80,000 contracts, 120 million premium volumes
Our experience: more than 35 years in the field
Our skills: around twenty employees, active throughout French-speaking Switzerland
Accredited by major insurance companies and health insurers
Registered in the official registry of intermediaries, FINMA n ° 10807
Partnership with leading banks and financial intermediaries
Our services
Expert in the field of insurance adapted to your situation
Yves Criblez
Client Symphony
The service was very good, fast and efficient.
Franz Ify
Client Symphony
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Symphony Geneva
Chemin des Tulipiers 21
1208 Geneva
022 737 70 70
Symphony Lausanne
Avenue de Lavaux 101
1009 Pully
021 613 55 55